State Tournament Reserved Seat Ticket Information
The State Wrestling Ticket pre-order is now underway. Only all-tournament tickets will be sold in advance. The All-Tournament Adult ticket is $50 and student general admission is $30. There are NO REFUNDS on ticket orders. Please contact Peg Kummer at the High School office to reserve your tickets. All ticket orders must be made and paid for by January 25th.
Ticket Specifications:
a. All adults will be required to purchase a reserved seat ticket good for seating as assigned to gain entry.
b. Students wishing to sit with their school/parent groups must purchase a reserved seat ticket.
c. Discounted student tickets will be for seating in specified sections separate from team personnel.
d. Student Tickets are good for those in Grades 1-12. Kindergarten or younger are admitted free, but not necessarily provided a seat in the reserved section without a ticket. College students are considered adults and must purchase an adult ticket to gain entry.
e. Tickets may be purchased on the day of the event. Doors will open 90 minutes prior to the first session on Friday and 60 minutes prior to each of the remaining sessions.