On March 20th, the High School choir members participated in the Region V Large Group Contest in Chamberlain, SD. Our choir received a Superior Rating for their contest performance. Congratulations!
11 months ago, Ashlynn Anderson
You still have time to order EP Track and Field gear! Store closes tomorrow, March 26th, at 11:59pm. https://https-sungoldsports-com.printavo.com/merch/ethan-parkston-2024-track-merch
11 months ago, Joe Shepardson
Good Evening, Below is the E-Learning schedule for grades 6-12 for Monday, Mar. 25th. Attendance will be taken. Please be on time to your class meetings and make sure that you are turning on your camera during the meetings! Let's have a positive and productive day of E-Learning. Monday is an ORANGE Day. Orange 1 Block Meeting begins at 8:30 Orange 2 Block Meeting begins at 9:30 Orange 3 Block Meeting begins at 10:30 Orange 4 Block Meeting begins at 11:30 If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Knippling - Cole.Knippling@k12.sd.us
11 months ago, Cole Knippling
A big thank you to Hutchinson County Deputy Sheriff Ryan Antaya for coming in and talking to the Forensics Science class on Friday! He answered various questions from the students and shared his experience with the different concepts learned through the course of the semester, including evidence collection, hair, fingerprints, and DNA.
11 months ago, Carmen Bartells
Forensics Science
Deputy Sheriff Antaya
HOSA member Ava Laffey is competing in the Research Poster event at the State HOSA Conference and is carrying out research entitled: Strategies to Improve Teen Driver Safety & Public Emergency Response. She would like to survey the general public on this topic. Participation is voluntary and anonymous. If you have a few spare minutes, please consider taking the survey using the link below, as she needs this information to compile data in formulate a conclusion for strategies to encourage young driver safety. Thank you! https://www.quia.com/sv/1214567.html
11 months ago, Carmen Bartells
It's not too late to save yourself some stress/time AND reserve an awesome easter surprise for the kids on Easter Morning! The Parkston International Travelers are still taking orders for "Egging" your Yard! Let us fill the easter eggs and hide them for you! Reserve your spot today with this link: https://forms.gle/us4KEBx7YTvgnhESA See attachment for full details. ALL proceeds support the students going to Greece and Italy in 2025! Contact Miss Ackerman with any questions at morgan.ackerman@k12.sd.us
11 months ago, Morgan Ackerman
Easter Egg Poster for Fundraiser
Yesterday the Parkston FFA participated in the Tri-Valley Alumni CDE at Sioux Falls. They did very well! Full results are below: Ag Mechanics, 9th Place Team Riley Neugebauer, 11th Place Ind. Alex Schelske, 19th Place Ind. Breckin Culbert, 94th Place Ind. Kaden Stokes, 95th Place Ind. Agronomy, 21st Place Team Carter Konrad, 50th Place Ind. Josiah Tapio, 70th Place Ind. Brooklyn Wagner, 97th Place Ind. Angel Pietz, 121st Place Ind. Floriculture, 16th Place Team Izzy Lesichner, 36th Place Ind. Alyssa Weisz, 65th Place Ind. Hilary Polreis, 68th Place Ind. Emily Walz, 94th Place Ind. Horse Evaluation, 2nd Place Team Elle Goehring, 2nd Place Ind. Kahris Tapio, 8th Place Ind. Kenley Henke, 9th Place Ind. Livestock Evaluation, Gage Reichert 38th Place Ind. Meats Evaluation, 18th Place Team Kelby Neugebauer, 56th Place Ind. Quayden Culbert, 64th Place Ind. Isaac Soulek, 90th Place Ind. Nursery Landscape, 2nd Place Team Drew Braley, 2nd Place Ind. Kyle Walz, 6th Place Ind. Taylor Fink, 14th Place Ind. Elliott Leischner, 20th Place Ind.
11 months ago, Morgan Ackerman
LAST CALL for Ethan-Parkston Softball apparel. All orders due tonight! https://https-sungoldsports-com.printavo.com/merch/ethan-parkston-softball-2024/
11 months ago, Abbie Hobbick
Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Read about the last two weeks at PES by clicking the link below: https://www.smore.com/n/k4j8y GO TROJANS!
11 months ago, Adam Fischer
Happy St. Patrick's Day
PACK YOUR BAGS! You are headed to Seattle, WA! FCCLA members have qualified for National Competition in Online Events. Another great day to be a TROJAN!
11 months ago, Carrie Kafka
Human A&P students and interested junior and senior HOSA members visited the cadaver lab at the USD medical school today. They also got a tour of the Lee Medical Building and Health Sciences Building. What a fun day with a fun group!
11 months ago, Carmen Bartells
USD Cadaver
CAN DRIVE! We want your CANS! A trailer will be parked at Parkston Food Center March 17-24th collecting cans. Proceeds will go toward purchasing hygiene products for the Food Pantry and Trojan Den. Sponsored by Parkston FCCLA Chapter.
11 months ago, Carrie Kafka
The Parkston FFA Chapter attended their first competition of the season on Monday and did very well! See below for full results! Ag Mechanics: 17th Place Team • Riley Neugebauer 9th Place Ind. • Kaden Stokes 73rd Place Ind. • Breckin Culbert 98th Place Ind. Agronomy 11th Place Team • Carter Konrad 25th Place Ind. • Josiah Tapio 45th Place Ind. • Brooklyn Wagner 49th Place Ind. • Angel Pietz 56th Place Ind. Floriculture 6th Place Team • Emily Walz 8th Place Ind • Alyssa Weisz 24th Place Ind. • Izzy Leischner 26th Place Ind. • Hilary Polreis 70th Place Ind. Horse Evaluation 2nd Place Team • Kenley Henke 3rd Place Ind. • Elle Goehring 7th Place Ind. • Kahris Tapio 16th Place Ind. Livestock Evaluation 10th Place Team • Gage Reichert 20th Place Ind. • Mason Jervik 29th Place Ind. • Carson Bueber 54th Place Ind. • Cale Weber 68th Place Ind. Meats Evaluation 7th Place Team • Kelby Neugebauer 23rd Place Ind. • Quayden Culbert 31st Place Ind. • Aiden Overby 41st Place Ind. • Isaac Soulek 53rd Place Ind. Nursery Landscape 2nd Place Team • Drew Braley 1st Place Ind. • Kyle Walz 9th Place Ind. • Taylor Fink 24th Place Ind.
11 months ago, Morgan Ackerman
BUTTER BRAIDS for SALE! Did you miss the FCCLA Butter Braid Sale? We have a few products left for sale! $15 per braid. 2- Cinnamon 3- Blueberry Cream Cheese 3- Strawberry Cream Cheese 3- Apple 3- Cherry 3- Raspberry 4- Caramel Rolls 1- Four Cheese & Herb First come, first serve. Contact Carrie Kafka (carrie.kafka@k12.sd.us) to purchase.
11 months ago, Carrie Kafka
Invitations go out tomorrow but for all those wondering about times of all the events for the day... here you go! :) Remember the armory fills up very quickly, but Mr. Kinneberg will be streaming the grand march!
11 months ago, undefined
prom invite
prom times
Ethan Parkston Track and Field 2024 First practice is tomorrow, March 11th, at 4:00! You can still sign up at - www.ethanparkstontf.weebly.com
11 months ago, Joe Shepardson
Congratulations to Emily Walz on being selected as a finalist in the FFA Proficiency Award area of Nursery Operations, Entrepreneurship for her SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project. This means she is one of the top three individuals in the state who applied for her award area. We will find out her final placing at State Convention later in April.
11 months ago, Morgan Ackerman
Emily Portrait
National Honor Society Induction will be held March 26th at 6:30 pm! We apologize for the late notice. We look forward to recognizing our students' academic achievements!
11 months ago, Katie Bialas
ATTENTION PARENTS: PRESCHOOL SCREENING-- The Parkston School District, in conjunction with Head Start will be offering a free screening for those children who will be between the ages of 3 and 4 by September 1, 2024. Children will have screenings for vision and hearing, as well as all areas of development and cognitive skills. This is available whether you intend to send your child to preschool or not. Who: Any child age 3 to 4 by September 1, 2024 When: Wednesday & Thursday, March 13th & 14th for Preschool Screening 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the 13th 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the 14th NO PRESCHOOL MARCH 13th & 14TH Please call Kristy or Julie at 928.3368 for an appointment. Please plan at least one hour of your time to complete the screening.
11 months ago, Adam Fischer
Preschool Screening
Ethan Parkston Track and Field - 2024 First practice is Monday, March 11th. 4:00pm. Sign-up on our team website - www.ethanparkstontf.weebly.com Grades 6-12
11 months ago, Joe Shepardson