Congratulations on a great win 34-7

Good Afternoon,
We are excited to announce that we are starting a Tutoring Program that utilizes our National Honor Society students. We have several National Honor Society students that have volunteered to tutor students in need in grades 6-12. If you think your child could benefit from having a tutor in one or more classes, please contact Mr. Knippling (Cole.Knippling@k12.sd.us). He will work to set up a time before, during, or after school that works for both your child and the NHS tutor to meet on a weekly basis. We are excited to see if this can develop into a big part of our school success! Thanks and have a great day!

4th Grade has been talking more about symmetry in art, and today took it further with radial symmetry in nature. The students took a walk to the park to work on art with found natural objects. They also talked about what an installation in art is, and how nature influneces our art. We worked on our photography skills with our phones.

Parkston Elementary Art Department will be sending home houses this week! If you want to stop in and get your students from the case please ask for help, otherwise all houses will be going home starting today!
Thank you to all the parents/guardians who helped get this amazing project done, it really was a fantastic turn out and so many creative ideas.

Only 13 sleeps until our Elementary Glow dance!
Save the date for Sunday November 6th! 4-5:30
Students must have an adult with them!
Concession stands will be available!

Join us tomorrow after school in the cafeteria, to welcome home the Competitive Cheer Team, and to celebrate their successful season and 3rd Place finish at State!!!

Congratulations to the Volleyball Team on their 4th Place finish at the SESD Conference Tourney in Winner today!! Way to finish strong! 🏐💙🧡

Junior class will be selling blankets tonight at the football game! First come!

The Junior class will be selling a limited number of Trojan Blankets at the Football game Thursday night!
Once we are out we are out! No orders will be taken.
Come early to stay warm in style!

THANK YOU SENIORS!!! Tonight we honored XC, Comp Cheer, & VB. Thank you athletes and parents for all your hard work and dedication over the years!!! #TROJANPRIDE


Trojan den needs your old winter items for our upcoming cold weather.
Check if your items still fit, if not what better way to give back than to donate!
Bring in clean, smoke free items to either office and help us fill our winter needs!
Highest need currently is gloves! We go though hundreds (yes, hundreds of hundreds) of pairs of gloves each winter season…

Scan your receipts to earn money for our school!

The Junior class fall festival scheduled for 5-7 tonight in the park has been moved indoors to the school. We want everyone to come and have an amazing time. Thank you to all the junior class parents for all the hard work and flexibility in the cold conditions.

The Junior class fall festival scheduled for 5-7 tonight in the park has been moved indoors to the school. We want everyone to come and have an amazing time.
Thank you to all the junior class parents for all the hard work and flexibility in the cold conditions.

Last night was our Volleyball Youth Night! We love having all the kiddos cheering us on!! 🏐❤️

Event moved indoors into the school!
So much going on in the city park tonight from 5-7 p.m.
A chill is in the air, but nothing stops the PHS junior class from showing appreciation for all you do!
Lots of free games and events for the entire family!
Please join us for the silent auction in the amphitheater from 5-6:45

DIG PINK NIGHT! October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month to celebrate, Parkston FCCLA Chapter is sponsoring a "PINK OUT" at the home volleyball match vs. Bon Homme on October 18th. All attendees are encouraged to wear PINK! Activities for the night will be chuck-a-duck, and selling of Italian Sodas for $5. Proceeds will go to our local Pink Ladies organization.

Reminder: The flu vaccine clinic at the school is today, Friday, October 14th! All the students should have brought home a waiver form in the past week. That students will need that completed form today if they want to receive their flu shot.

Senior parents, please remind your seniors to bring in a senior picture for the Yearbook. I would like to have them all before winter break if possible. If you have any questions, please email Heather Andera at Heather.Andera@k12.sd.us