HOSA was gifted several body system models from Avera St. Benedict with funds from the Camp Med grant. Pictured are senior HOSA members accepting this generous donation. A huge shout out to Ember Dale for organizing an amazing event for our middle and high school students and continually supporting HOSA and our educational endeavors!

The CTE Nutrition & Wellness II class has been busy learning various icing techniques. Today was decorating day! Each lab group selected a different cake theme, and had to use a particular number of icing tips to complete their assigned task. This class has some serious talent!

The 2024 Football Schedule is here!

The Yearbook Staff needs your help! With cancelled track meets and the first home meet not being until May 9th, we are in need of track photos. If anyone has track pictures, please email them to Heather Andera at heather.andera@k12.sd.us
Thank you!!

Due to the forecasted cold temperatures and strong winds, The Parkston Trojan Golf Invite scheduled for 4/19 has been postponed and rescheduled for 4/26. The tournament will still take place at Lakeview Golf Course and start at 10:30am.

The rain and wind have put a stop to events for today. The track meet at Bon Homme and softball game vs. Lennox have both been postponed.
Stay tuned for new dates.

Prom Photo ordering link is
Love the digital download option so you can print and create your own!
Pictures turned out amazing!
Get your orders in!

Girls golfers turning practice into the Windy Open. Their first meet is this Friday at Lakeview in Mitchell!

National Honor Society Induction will be held Wednesday, April 17th at 1pm. All middle school and high school students will be able to attend as it will be during SRB. We encourage all parents of NHS students to join and help celebrate our new inductees! Pictures of individual students and groups is highly encouraged! The induction ceremony will be live and recorded for later viewing. We hope to see you there!

Parkston Elementary Weekly Update:

Parkston Junior class worked hard yesterday to get things ready for prom tonight!
Grand March starts at 8 pm
Doors open at 7:40
Grand March is also televised!
After prom starts at 12:30
Photography link to order pics will go out monday!
Keep all prom goers in your thoughts tonight for a fun and safe event!

Congrats to Ethan-Parkston Softball on their first-ever varsity WIN! Score was 23-0! Next home game is Tuesday 4/16 at 4:30 w/ Lennox at the Orange Field. See ya there!

prom group photos start at 4:15 tomorrow! once done with a group we will roll to the next group.
all classes are doing a group photo! we will get them all done in time for mass, but please be on time.
this is for all students, not just those doing grand march or photos.
be at school by 7:25 in the mpr to begin lining up for grand march.
grand march at 8 p.m

32 Parkston HOSA members attended the 2024 HOSA State Leadership Conference in Sioux Falls over the past two days. Evan Bartelt was selected to sing The National Anthem during the opening session on Thursday. Members competed, attended breakout sessions, and networked with other SD members, colleges, and businesses throughout the conference. Several individuals and teams placed in the Top 10 in their events, but only the Top 3 receive medals and advancement to the International Leadership Conference in Houston, TX, in June. Receiving those honors were senior Mason Neugebauer, 2nd Place in Medical Math; junior Mackenzie Titze, 3rd Place in Family Medicine Physician; and the team of sophomores Finley Bogenreif and Rory Juhnke, 3rd Place in Health Education. (Mackenzie was unable to accept her award on stage as she had to leave early for a softball game.) Congratulations to all members for their outstanding representation of our chapter and school!

Last Call for Yearbook Orders! I would like these in by May 3rd at the latest! Thank you for understanding! #TrojanPride

We had a very successful day at the 5-8 Armour Contest on April 5th. Here are the results:
Solo Events:
I+: Nora Shepardson
I: Emmy Christensen, Alycia Stainbrook, Kathryn Bialas, ,Piper Reichert, Tayah Smith, Emma Wagner, Hayle Weisz, Zoey Gyolai, Jack Jodozi, Aalehya Wilson
I-: Slade Tuntland
II+: Lexis Fleshner
II: Kynnedi Kiple, Malachi Hopkins, Sidney Kniffen
I: Nora Shepardson & Izzy Baumiller, Aalehya & Crew Wilson, Aalehya Wilson & Zoey Gyolai
II+: Tyson Bartells & Malachi Hopkins
II: Teri Fink & Ashley Buenning, Kathryn Bialas & Piper Reichert, Olivia Bray & Tayah Smith
I: Kathryn Bialas, Kynnedi Kiple, & Piper Reichert, Rylee Heinrich, Zoey Gyolai, & Hayle Weisz
I: Izzy Baumiller, Emmy Christensen, Teri Fink, & Alycia Stainbrook
II: Kevonte Bertram, Eli Bruenning, Cooper Morris, Landon Rankin, & Wyatt VanDerLinden
I: 5th Mixed - "Aloha Spirit", 5th Small Ensemble - "Tongo", 6-8 Mixed - "Hero"
II+: 6-8 Mixed - "Lakeside Lullaby"
II: 5th Girls - "May a Rainbow Run Beside You", 7th Small Ensemble - "Homeward Bound"
Congratulations to all students on their amazing performances!

Kindergarten Roundup
Attention Parents:
Who: Any child age 5 by September 1st, 2024
When: April 29th and 30th
Where: Parkston Elementary
The purpose of screening is to help guide your decision of sending your child to begindergarten or kindergarten.
This year we will be screening kids during their preschool class time on either Monday (29th) or Tuesday (30th) depending on what day they are in school.
However, if your child does not currently attend Parkston pre-school, but would like to attend kindergarten in Parkston for the 24-25 school year, please call Kristy Ziebart or Julie Wolf at 928-3368 for an appointment.

Congratulations to our rockstar K-12 art teacher Mrs. Colleen Mette!!! It was announced yesterday that she is the South Dakota Middle School Art Teacher of the Year!! Congratulations and THANK YOU Mrs. Mette for all of your contributions to our school and community!

Today's softball game vs. Lennox has been postponed. Stay tuned for a new date.

Day 2 of the 2024 State FBLA Conference. Students have been competing in events, attending workshops, and breakout sessions. Most importantly, they have added some great experiences to their future's. #PreparingForSuccess #FutureLeaders