Below is the E-Learning schedule that grades 6-12 will operate under for tomorrow, Thursday (Blue Day):
8:30 - Blue 1 Google Meet
9:30 - Blue 2 Google Meet (Band at 9:30, Chorus at 10:00)
10:30 - Blue 3 Google Meet
11:30 - Blue 4 Google Meet
Attendance will be taken. You must have your camera on during the google meet and be visible in your screen. Lets have a productive day as we work to finish 2nd quarter strong and prepare for the semester tests next week! -Mr. K

Good Evening. The Parkston School District is notifying you that school for tomorrow Thursday, December 15th is canceled due to the predicted worsening weather conditions. E-Learning similar to today will be expected. Please stay safe tomorrow. Have a great rest of the evening.

No School today Wednesday, December 14. E-Learning for four through 12 and learning packets for BK-3.

Good Morning, Here is the E-Learning Schedule for today.
It is an Orange Day. We will begin E-Learning today at 9:30 for grades 6-12. Classes will meet via Google Meet in their Google Classroom.
Orange 1 classes will meet virtually at 9:30
Orange 3 classes will meet virtually at 10:30
Orange 4 classes will meet virtually at 11:30
SRB will not meet today. If you need help, email your teacher and they will work to set up a google meet to help you out. Contact Mr. Knippling w/ Questions. Cole.Knippling@k12.sd.us

The Parkston School District will be two hours late for Wednesday Dec 14.

Today's games vs. TDA have been rescheduled for 12/19/22.

The Parkston School District will be starting 2 hours late Tuesday, Dec. 13th. Roads are wet, slushy, and slick in spots. Please drive safely when coming to school. There is NO Breakfast Program.

JH GBB vs. Freeman has been cancelled.

Attention. Calendar change for this Wednesday. NO Teacher In-Service on the calendar with a 1 PM dismissal. This has been postponed due to the anticipated weather. If school is in session we will stay in school as long as the weather permits. Please spread the word. Stay safe!

In an effort to be proactive ahead of the weather system that is potentially moving in next week. Grades 6-12 will have what we call a "Skinny" day where we attend every Blue and Orange day block for a 50 minute period of time. We are doing this to ensure that every teacher has the opportunity to work with each class and hand out Semester Test Review materials in case we lose multiple days to snow in the middle of the week. Monday's Schedule is in the attached picture.

SANTA IS COMING TO TOWN! Come Sunday, December 11th from 3-5PM to the Legion Hall on Main Street to see Santa!

School for tomorrow Dec. 9 will be two hours late. No breakfast. Please adjust bus routes accordingly.

We will play the Tri-Valley basketball games tomorrow. "C" games start at 4:00, JV at 5:00, Girls' Varsity at 6:30, Boys' Varsity at 8:00. Come out and cheer on the Trojans!!!

Good Afternoon,
Due to travel concerns, we have decided to reschedule our game vs. Tri-Valley to a later date.
Our JHG game vs. MVP is still on as planned and our HS teams will still practice after school.
More information will follow for our rescheduled date!

Parkston HOSA has extra fundraising goodies left! Below is a list of what is currently available with quantities. Each item is $10. First come, first serve. Once they are gone, they're gone! Contact Carmen Bartells (carmen.bartells@k12.sd.us) if you're interested! Thank you for your support!
Chunky Salsa - Medium (2)
Peach Salsa - Mild (5)
Bean & Corn Salsa - Medium (5)
Fine Chopped Salsa - Medium (3)
Habanero Bacon Salsa - Hot (3)
Southern Classic BBQ Sauce (3)
Chick'n Dippin' Sauce (3)
Sweet Bourbon Glaze (5)
Sweet Chili Sauce (4)
Apple Butter (7)
Apple Pecan Butter (2)
Apple Pie Jam (1)
Blueberry Jam (2)
GATOR Jam (1)
Strawberry Jam (4)
Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam (4)

The Intro to Ag Class has been growing poinsettias in the school greenhouse since August as a class project, and now they are ready to sell and bring holiday sprit to your homes! If you would be interested in purchasing, please contact Miss Ackerman by calling the school or emailing her at morgan.ackerman@k12.sd.us. There are three colors available: Christmas Red, Bravo Pink and Alaska White and are $10.00 each for an 8 inch pot.

Unique After School Opportunity:
A lot of you of you may know me!! My name is Tawni Greibel. I manage all the booking and parties with TNT’s Inflatables located in Dimock. Working with kids is honestly a passion of mine and I wouldn’t trade it for the world! I have seen the need for giving school aged kids something to do after school, while the parents are still working and TNT Inflatables is close to being fully operational. I am excited to announce that I will be offering a service for kids to come and hang out with me Monday through Thursday at TNT Inflatables in Dimock. We will be providing a safe place for kids to come and do homework, crafts, and jump! The program will consist of a reading/homework time for the first 15-20 minutes, snack/drink, and then play/jump and/or work on a craft project. We will have different activities for them each day!! ALL students will need to be picked up by 6pm!
If you’re wanting to schedule them in advance for future days/weeks please message me to get your children on the list. We will be taking students on EARLY DISMISSALS from school as well.
If this is an opportunity you’re wanting your children to participate in, please message me ASAP to get all the cost details and reserve your spot. Registration and waivers must be completed prior to attending.
Contact Information:
Tawni Greibel - email: tg_18grieb@hotmail.com
Cell: 1-605-505-1369

Congratulations to the music department and all the performers on a wonderful concert tonight!!!

This year Parkston High School has added a new student organization: Educators Rising. A group dedicated to student interested in a career in education or training. TODAY is your opportunity to help support this organization. Click the link below and the funds raised will go directly to help PHS members travel to events and competitions, as well as fund local projects. All donations are greatly appreciated! Thank you for your support!

It's concert season! Come support the MS & HS music students at their Fall Concert on November 29th at 7:00 PM. We will also have a brief Music Boosters meeting after the concert concludes to provide you all with more information about our department and Boosters. See you there!